The city’s storm drainage system is designed to keep runoff from ruining the ecosystem. Your own drainage system helps to keep storm runoff from damaging your home and your foundation. Learn how to properly care for your own storm drainage system in the guide below.
Your home took a hit during the last El Niño so get your home back into shape to prepare for the next rainfall. And feel free to call us with any questions or to schedule service for your rain gutters and drainage system!
Clean Out Your Rain Gutter
If the rain gutter clogs up on you, water could run off onto the side of the house or back up on the rooftop and cause some major water damage. Cleaning out your rain gutter from time to time, especially if the local weather predicts a storm, can help to prevent a big headache later on.
Pay Attention to Drainage Problems
Take notice when stormwater runoff doesn’t seem to be leaving your property as it should. It could have to do with a recent change to your landscaping or a home remodel. You might need repairs to your rain gutters or to your drainage system.
If the city’s storm drains are part of the problem, be sure to contact the proper local channels. But if it’s an issue on your own property, a professional plumber may be able to help.
Take Notice of Water Damage
Mold or mildew in the attic or crawlspace is not something you can ignore. And even a small amount of water damage along the side of the house or at the foundation can cause major structural issues later on. Take notice of any of the following:
- Standing water on your property.
- Dark streaks down the side of the building.
- Any sign of mold or mildew around the home.
- Water pouring out over the rain gutters.
Call a plumber to see what you can do to get your home back into shape.
Call Ace Pelizon Plumbing today for storm drain and plumbing services in San Dimas. World class service is just around the corner!